Posted on: 22.09.2021 Posted by: impacteen Comments: 0

Welcome at the official website of ImpacTeen Project. We are a policy research partnership, and our purpose is healthy youth behavior.

National Program Office

University of Illinois at Chicago
Institute for Health Research and Policy
1747 West Roosevelt Road
Room 558, M/C 275
Chicago, IL 60608

Email: [email protected]
Website :


Frank J. Chaloupka, PhD, ImpactTeen Co-Director
Brian R. Flay, DPhil, ImpacTeen Co-Director
Leah Rimkus, MPH, RD, ImpacTeen Deputy Director

ImpacTeen is an interdisciplinary partnership of nationally recognized health experts with specialties in such areas as economics, etiology, epidemiology, law, political science, public policy, psychology, and sociology. The project, part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Bridging the Gap: Research Informing Practice and Policy for Healthy Youth Behavior, focuses on economic, environmental, and policy influences on youth substance use, obesity and physical activity.

ImpacTeen is co-directed by economist Frank J. Chaloupka, PhD, and prevention researcher Brian R. Flay, DPhil, at the University of Illinois at Chicago Institute for Health Research and Policy.


ImpacTeen Co-Director
Telephone: 312.413.2287

Dr. Chaloupka is a professor of economics at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Business Administration. He is also a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research Health Economics Program. He received his doctorate in economics from the City University of New York Graduate School in 1988. Dr. Chaloupka’s research focuses on the economic analysis of substance use and abuse; primarily among youth and young adults.

He has conducted extensive research on the effects of prices and substance control policies on the demands for tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs, and on related outcomes. Dr. Chaloupka has published over 25 articles in such journals as the Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Review, Journal of Health Economics, Economic Inquiry, Eastern Economic Journal, Southern Economic Journal, and Contemporary Economic Policy; and numerous book chapters and working papers.


Brian Flay, DPhil, is a professor of Public Health at Oregon State University. He was previously Distinguished Professor of Public Health and Psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Flay received his doctorate from Waikato University in New Zealand in 1976. His research focuses on understanding and preventing the adoption of unsafe behaviors. He is currently involved in two projects (in Chicago and Hawaii elementary schools) to evaluate the Positive Action program, a comprehensive character education and prevention program designed to prevent negative and unhealthy behaviors (including substance use), increase positive behaviors, and improve academic achievement. These studies are funded by NIDA and the US Department of Education.


ImpacTeen Deputy Director
