Illicit Drugs Research Team
Andrews University,
Institute for Prevention of Addictions
8408 Westwood
Berrien Springs, Michigan 49104-0211
Telephone: 269.471.3558
Facsimile: 269.471.6611
Illicit Drugs Research Team Partners
The MayaTech Corporation
The ImpacTeen Illicit Drugs Research Team is identifying and tracking drug treatment quality and control policies at the state level for all 50 United States and the District of Columbia to evaluate their effectiveness in reducing mortality, morbidity, and psychosocial problems associated with substance use and abuse.
Directing this component of the project are Directors Duane McBride, PhD, (Andrews University) and Jamie F. Chriqui, PhD, MHS
(UIC). Other core members of ImpacTeen Illicit Drug Research Team include,
Curtis VanderWaal, PhD, MSW (Andrews), Yvonne Terry-McElrath, MSA (U of Michigan), Shelby K. Smith Eidson, J.D., (The MayaTech Corporation), and Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, PhD, (RAND).
ImpacTeen Illicit Drugs Research Team Co-Director
Telephone: 269.471.3576
Facsimile: 269.471.3108
Email: [email protected]
Duane McBride is Chair of the Behavioral Sciences Department at Andrews University and Director of the University’s Institute for the Prevention of Addictions. In addition, he serves as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Miami School of Medicine. He received his Master degree from the University of Maryland in Industrial Sociology in 1970 and his doctorate in Sociology from the University of Kentucky in 1976. His research interests include national drug policy, treatment services research, consequences of drug use, drug use etiology and prevention, and drug treatment program evaluation. Dr. McBride has published approximately 80 articles, chapters, books and monographs in these research areas as well as making frequent presentations at scientific and professional meetings. Dr. McBride also frequently serves as Chair and member of NIH grant review committees. His current projects include being Co-Principal Investigator of the Illicit Drug component of ImpacTeen, Principal Investigator or a variety of international HIV risk assessment projects, Co-Principal Investigator of a project evaluating a Reclaiming Futures site, and Chair of an Advisory Committee of an NIH HIV Research Center at the University of Miami.
Telephone: 312.996.6410
Email: [email protected]
Jamie F. Chriqui, Ph.D., M.H.S. is the Director of Policy Surveillance and Evaluation for the Health Policy Center within the Institute for Health Research and Policy and a Research Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She has nearly 20 years’ experience conducting public health policy research, evaluation, and analysis, with an emphasis on obesity, substance abuse, tobacco control, and other chronic disease-related policy issues. Dr. Chriqui has led a number of efforts to develop quantitative measures of the extensiveness of state and local level public health policies. Her research interests focus on examining the impact of law and policy on practices, community environments and individual behaviors/attitudes. For the Bridging the Gap and ImpacTeen projects, she directs all state, local and school district obesity policy research as well as leading the state tobacco control policy research activities. As part of this work, she directs the Bridging the Gap annual nationwide evaluation of school district wellness policies as well as the ongoing annual surveillance of state taxes on sugar and artificially sweetened beverages, snacks, and restaurant sales. Previously, she led the state illicit drug law and substance abuse treatment policy research efforts for the project. Prior to joining UIC, Dr. Chriqui served as Technical Vice-President of the Center for Health Policy and Legislative Analysis at The MayaTech Corporation and, previously, as a policy analyst at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. She holds a BA in Political Science from Barnard College, Columbia University; an MHS in Health Policy from the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health; and a PhD in Policy Sciences (Health Policy concentration) from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Telephone: 269.471.6005
Facsimile: 269.471.3689
Email: [email protected]
Curtis VanderWaal is chair and professor of Social Work at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan. He completed his Master of Social Work degree from the University of Michigan in 1987 and his Ph.D. in Social Welfare from the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio in 1995. The majority of his research has focused on substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy. He has published or co-published substance abuse research findings in such venues as the Journal of Drug Issues, Substance Use and Misuse, The Journal of Adolescent Health, The Journal of Primary Prevention, and the American Journal of Public Health. He has also co-authored two research monographs for the National Institute of Justice on breaking both the juvenile and adult drug-crime cycles and co-authored several book chapters. He is currently Principal Investigator of a two-year research contract with the DeVos Family Foundations to evaluate a national urban youth leadership program and Co-Investigator for a National Institute of Justice project to evaluate the impact of state methamphetamine precursor laws.
YVONNE TERRY-MCELRATH, MSA (University of Michigan)
Telephone: 734.647.9142
Email:[email protected]
Ms. Terry-McElrath received her master’s of science degree in not-for-profit administration from the University of Notre Dame in 1999, and has focused on sociology and public health research since that time. Her research and publication experience has focused on trends and correlates of tobacco and illicit drug use in adolescent populations, drug policy, international development, drug treatment provision within juvenile justice populations, the drug-crime cycle and HIV/AIDS prevention services among high-risk groups.
SHELBY K. SMITH EIDSON, JD (The MayaTech Corporation)
Ms. Eidson is a Senior Legislative Analyst at The MayaTech Corporation, with expertise in legal research and analysis of case law, statutory law, and administrative law. For the ImpacTeen project, Ms. Eidson led the research and analysis of state substance abuse treatment quality statutes and regulations and is participating in the analyses of these data. In addition to substance abuse policy issues, Ms. Eidson has conducted extensive legal research and analysis regarding many aspects of tobacco control, cancer control, and physical activity promotion for other projects. She also leads the research and analysis of state sales taxes of snack, sodas, and food prepared outside the home. Ms. Eidson holds a J.D. from the University of Virginia Law School and a B.A. in psychology from Emory University. She is a member of both the Virginia and Texas Bar Associations.
ImpacTeen Illicit Drugs Research Team Co-Principal Investigator
Telephone: 310.393.0411, Extension 6494
Facsimile: 310.451.6930
Email: [email protected]
Rosalie Liccardo Pacula (Ph.D., Duke University 1995) is a Senior Economist, the Co-Director of the Drug Policy Research Center at RAND as well as a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Dr. Pacula’s research to date has largely focused on evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of state and local public policies at diminishing youth substance use and abuse as well as their social costs. Previous and ongoing research areas include analyses evaluating the impact of marijuana decriminalization and medicalization on youth marijuana use and marijuana markets, gender and racial differences in the responsiveness to particular substance use policies; the impact of raising cigarette and alcohol prices on the demands for legal and illegal substances; the impact of enforcement and policy on drug markets; the cost-benefit of drug treatment and school-based prevention programs; whether there are social costs associated with marijuana use; and the impact of funding volatility on substance abuse treatment and outcomes. As part of this larger research agenda, she has done in-depth policy analyses of state-level parity legislation, medical marijuana laws, and decriminalization policy in the United States as well as assessed the impact of state funding volatility on treatment availability and quality in California. She is currently the Principal Investigator a four year grant from the National Institute of Drug Abuse to update and improve previous estimates of the social cost of drug abuse in the United States. As part of this effort, she is leading a team with the construction and parameterization of a large Monte Carlo simulation model and conducting new analyses on a large number of data systems to help measure the prevalence of specific drug problems and the transition probabilities associated with drug use and particular negative outcomes. Dr. Pacula’s work to date has been successfully published in both top economics journals as well as field specific journals, including American Economic Review, Journal of Health Economics, Health Economics, Addiction, Journal of Drug Issues and Journal of Public Health Policy. Dr. Pacula is currently an Assistant Editor for Addiction and just completed a five year term on NIDA’s Health Services Research Scientific Review Group (NIDA-F).