The Impacteen Illicit Drug Legislative Database provides data on statutory laws enacted in each state addressing three major issues: (1) controlled substances scheduling, (2) penalties for sale or possession of selected substances, and (3) medical marijuana provisions. All data reflect laws in effect as of January 1, 1999, 2000, and 2001. The data are available in the following separate data files:
Controlled Substances Scheduling (Drug Schedule 1999-2001.xls – 101 KB; Codebook (PDF) – 132 KB) -Provides the schedule number and DEA number assigned to each substance as well as information on the state authority designated to control the scheduling in each state. The particular substances of interest are Marijuana, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Rohypnol, GHB, Ecstasy (MDMA), and Ketamine.
Penalties for Sale or Possession of Selected Substances (Penalty Data 1999-2001.xls – 3.08 MB; Codebook (PDF) – 131 KB) – Presents information addressed in state legislation on sale and possession penalties associated with each substance. Addresses Marijuana, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Rohypnol, GHB, Ecstasy (MDMA), and Ketamine. Outlines penalty information for first offense including quantity triggers, maximum and minimum fines, maximum and minimum imprisonment, fine and imprisonment linking mechanisms, and offense classification. If penalties are increased for a second or subsequent offense those penalties are also specified. Corresponding statutory citations, including effective and enacted dates, to legislation containing such information are included for selected data years
Medical Marijuana (Medical Marijuana 1999-2001.xls – 131 KB; Codbook (PDF) 15.4 KB) – Provides statutory citations, including enacted and effective dates, for any medical marijuana legislation enacted in the state. Further specifies the classification of the legislation indicating if it is a statute enabling therapeutic research, reclassification, physician prescription, patient use, or patient/caregiver possession; or if it provides an affirmative defense for medical marijuana use/possession/prescription/consultation. Also gives information on the types of diseases for which marijuana may be used for medicinal purposes; registry provisions; as well as state, home and physician supply mechanisms where provided for in the legislation.