Conference Presentations
Society for Research
on Nicotine and Tobacco, Austin, TX, February 21-24, 2006.
of Tobacco-Related Press Coverage on Smoking Attitudes and Behaviors
of American Youth, Wakefield M, Clegg Smith K, Hopkins J, Terry-McElrath
Y, O’Malely P, Johnston L, Chaloupka F, Emery S, Saffer H (127KB
American Public
Health Association, 132nd Annual Meeting & Exposition, Washington,
DC, November 6-10, 2004.
of Tobacco-Related Press Coverage on Youth Smoking Attitudes and Behaviors,
Wakefield M, Clegg Smith K, Terry-McElrath Y, Saffer H, Emery S, Szczypka
G, O’Malley P, Johnston L, Chaloupka F, Flay B (212KB
Exposure to Televised Anti-Smoking Advertising from Tobacco Control
Agencies, Pharmaceutical Companies and the Tobacco Industry: 1999-2002,
Szczypka G, Wakefield M, Terry-McElrath Y, Emery S, Flay B, Chaloupka
F, Saffer H (339KB PDF).
American Public
Health Association, 131st Annual Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco,
CA, November 19, 2003.
Examination of the Relationship between Televised Anti-Tobacco Advertising
and Youth Smoking Beliefs and Behavior: A National Study, Emery
S, Wakefield M, Terry-McElrath Y, Szczypka G, Saffer H, Chaloupka F
(902KB PDF).
Tobacco Press Coverage Influence Young People’s Smoking-Related Attitudes
and Behaviors? Clegg Smith K, Wakefield M, Terry-McElrath Y, Saffer
H, Szczypka G, Slater S, Emery S, Chaloupka F, Siebel C, Haggerty A.
(278KB PDF).
12th World Conference
on Tobacco OR Health, Helsinki, Finland, August 3-8, 2003.
Appraisal of Anti-Smoking Advertisements: A Comparative Study in the
United States, Australia and Britain, Wakefield M, Durrant R, Anderson
S, Hasting G, Balch G, Ruel E, Terry-McElrath Y, Szczypka G, McLead
K. (1.62MB PDF).Relation
between Anti-Smoking Advertising and Youth Smoking in the United States,
Wakefield M, Emery S, Terry-McElrath Y, Szczypka G, Saffer H, Flay
B, Chaloupka F. (1.08MB PDF).
National Cancer
Institute Synthesis Meeting: Tobacco Control Research: Investigating in
Science for the Public’s Health, Washington, DC, June 18-19, 2003.
Role of Media in Influencing Public Policy, Wakefield M, Clegg Smith
K, Durrant R (1.90MB PDF)
Tobacco Countermarketing
Meetings, New York, NY, June 11-13, 2003.
Campaigns, State Policy, and other Smoking Related Messages, Emery
S, Wakefield M, Terry-McElrath Y, Szczypka G, Saffer H, Chaloupka F
(312 KB PDF)
Second Australian
National Tobacco Conference, Melbourne, Australia, April 9-11, 2003.
Appraisal of Anti-Smoking Advertisements: A Comparative Study in the
US, Australia and Britain, Wakefield (1.17MB PDF)
between Televised Anti-Smoking Advertising and Youth Smoking in the
United States, Wakefield (4.26MB PDF)
in the U.S. Press: What is Considered Newsworthy in Marlboro Country?,
Clegg Smith (849KB)
in the News: An Analysis of Newspaper Coverage of Tobacco Issues in
Australia, 2001, Durrant, McLeod, Clegg-Smith, Chapman (102KB
2002 National Conference
on Tobacco OR Health, San Francisco, CA, November 19-21, 2002.
Coverage of MSA Allocation Outside of Tobacco Control, Clegg Smith
K, Wakefield M, Nichter M. (923KB PDF)
to Make an Image: Television Exposure to Philip Morris’s Youth Smoking
Prevention and Public Relations Campaigns, Szczypka G. (590
Smoking Behavior and Exposure to Television Anti-Smoking Advertising,
Emery S, Szczypka G, Terry-McElrath Y. (1.87MB PDF)
American Public
Health Association, 130th Annual Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia,
PA, November 9-13, 2002.
Press Coverage of Smoking as a Youth Issue, Clegg Smith K, Wakefield
M, Szczypka G, Terry-McElrath Y, Slater S, Emery S, Chaloupka F. (423KB
of Youth Exposure to Television Anti-Smoking Advertising, Wakefield
M. (445KB PDF)
Midwest Sociological
Society, Milwaukee, WI, April 4-7, 2002.
Press Coverage of a Second Hand Trial: Analysis of Newsworthy Issue,
Clegg Smith K, Wakefield M, Szczypka G, Slater S, Terry-McElrath
Y, Chaloupka F, Emery S. (1.33MB
2001 National Conference
on Tobacco OR Health, New Orleans, LA, November 27-29, 2001.
a Coding System to Track Newspaper Coverage of Tobacco Issues, Clegg
Smith K, Wakefield M, Szczypka G, Slater S, Terry-McElrath Y, Chaloupka
F, and Emery S.
(274KB PDF)
Advertising: Youth Appraisal and Engagement, Wakefield M, Balch
G, Terry-McElrath Y, Szczypka G, Clegg Smith K, Ruel E, Flay B.
(1.05MB PDF)
Illinois and Wisconsin
Sociological Associations Joint Annual Conference, Rockford, IL, October
11-12, 2001.
Smoking” in US Newspapers: Issues for Tobacco Control, Clegg
Smith K. (85.8KB PDF)
First National
Tobacco Control Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, June 12-14, 2001.
Advertising and Youth Smoking, Wakefield M. (2.78MB
National Cancer
Institute Grantees Meeting, Park City, UT, June 2001.
Smoking and the Media, Wakefield M, Clegg Smith K. (2.23MB
Midwest Sociological
Society Annual Meetings, St. Louis, MO, April 5-8, 2001.
Smoking” A Problematic Social Construction, Clegg Smith K.
(86.6KB PDF)
The 7th Annual
Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco,
Seattle, WA, March 23, 2001.
between Television Anti-Smoking Advertising, Tobacco News Coverage and
Youth Smoking, Wakefield M, Chaloupka F, Balch G, Flay B, Johnston
L, Emery S, Saffer H, Slater S. (284KB PDF)