A Multi-Causal Model of Eating, Physical Activity and Obesity, by Powell L, Slater S, and Chaloupka F. 2005.
The Drug-Crime Wars: Past, Present, and Future Directions in Theory, Policy, and Program Interventions, by McBride D, VanderWaal C, Terry-McElrath, in Toward a Drugs and Crime Research Agenda for the 21st Century, National Institute of Justice, June 2002.
Taxing Tobacco. Chaloupka F, SmokeLess States Policy Focus, 1st Quarter 2002, Volume 1, Issue 1.
The Impact of Tobacco Control Program Expenditures on Aggregate Cigarette Sales: 1981-1998. Farrelly MC, Pechacek TF, and Chaloupka FJ, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. W8691, December 2001.
Do Higher Cigarette Prices Encourage Youth to Use Marijuana? Chaloupka FJ, Liccardo Pacula R, Farrelly MC, Johnston LD, O’Malley PM, and Bray JW, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 6939, February 1999. Reprinted with permission.
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