Posted on: 22.09.2021 Posted by: impacteen Comments: 0

ImpacTeen Research Papers

Association of Point of Purchase Tobacco Advertising and Promotions with Choice of Usual Brand Among Teenage Smokers
Wakefield MA, Ruel EE, Chaloupka FJ, Slater SJ, and Kaufman NJ.

Objectives – To determine the relationship between brand-specific advertising and promotions in convenience stores for Marlboro and Camel cigarettes and choice of usual brand among school students. Design – Cross-sectional survey with merged records of store tobacco advertising and promotions. Setting – United States. Participants – 3,890 high school smokers with a usual brand, matched to 196 convenience stores. Main outcome measures – Choice of Marlboro as a usual brand; choice of Camel as a usual brand. Results – Choice of Marlboro as a usual brand was associated with presence of a Marlboro gift with purchase (P<.001) and a greater brand share of interior (p=.05) and exterior (p=.05) advertising voice for Marlboro. Choice of Camel as a usual brand was associated with a greater share of interior advertising voice for Camel (p<.001) but was unrelated to Camel gift with purchase promotions (p>.05) and negatively associated with a greater share of exterior advertising voice for Camel (p<.001). Conclusions – The results are consistent with the notion that Marlboro-specific advertising and promotions may influence choice of Marlboro as a usual brand to smoker among teens, but results for Camel are mixed and inconclusive. Further research is required to confirm and extend these findings.

Research Paper (PDF – 151 KB)
