Posted on: 22.09.2021 Posted by: impacteen Comments: 0


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Conference Presentations

National Conference on Tobacco OR Health, Minneapolis, MN, October 2007.

Evaluating SmokeLess States Tobacco Control Legislation Among Key Policy Areas, Tworek C, Sandoval A, Harper D, Chaloupka F. (44KB PDF).

American Public Health Association 134th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Boston, MA, November 2006.

Evaluating SmokeLess States to Promote Evidence-Based Policy and Practice
SmokeLess States: Evaluation of Policy Outcomes and their Implications, Chaloupka F. (172KB PDF).
Broad Strokes, Rich Detail: Quantitative Overview and Qualitative Case Studies of Newspaper Coverage of Tobacco Policy, 2002-2003, Siebel C, Clegg Smith K. (28KB PDF). Handout (12KB PDF).
Changes in Tobacco Control Programs: What We Can Learn from the Strength of Tobacco Control Index, Schmitt C, Stillman F, Trochim W, Strauss W. (336KB PDF).
SmokeLess States: Evaluating Tobacco Legislation to Understand Policy Outcomes, Tworek C, Sandoval A, Thompson M, Harper D, Chaloupka F, Slater S. (216KB PDF).

American Sociological Association Meetings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 2006.
How the Press Framed New York City’s Smoking Ban: An Analysis of Newspaper Coverage, Siebel C. Handout (16KB PDF), Tables (8KB PDF).

World Conference on Tobacco OR Health, Washington, DC, July 2006.
SmokeLess States and Policy: The Impact of Media, Legislation, and the Strength of Tobacco Control, Chaloupka FJ, Siebel C, Schmitt CL, Tworek C. (52KB PDF).

American Public Health Association 133rd Annual Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, December 2005.
Smokeless States Legislative Coding: A Snapshot of Tobacco Bills, Tworek, Sandoval, Thompson, Slater, Chaloupka (200KB PDF).

National Conference on Tobacco OR Health, Chicago, IL, May 2005.
State-Level Funding & Media Messages: An Assessment of Smokeless States Dollars and Newspaper Coverage of Tobacco Control, Siebel C, Clegg Smith K. (30KB PDF). Handout (14KB PDF).

American Public Health Association, Washington, DC, November 2004.
Can Tobacco Control Funding Impact the Associated Press? An Analysis of the Relationship between Smokeless States Funding and AP Coverage, Siebel C, Clegg Smith K.

Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, GA, April 2004.
Farmers, Migrant Workers, and the Declining Significance of Tobacco: How Newspapers Construct Labor Issues in the U.S. Tobacco-Growing Industry, Siebel C.

American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, November 2003.
Using Newspapers as an Evaluative Tool for Media Advocacy, Siebel C, Clegg Smith K. (36KB PDF).

Midwest Sociological Society, Milwaukee, WI, 2002.
Press Coverage of Tobacco Issues: A Newsworthy Social Problem, Siebel C, Clegg Smith K, Wakefield M, Chaloupka F. (60KB PDF).

2002 National Conference on Tobacco OR Health, San Francisco, CA, November 19-21, 2002.
The Smokeless States Evaluation: Tracking Newspaper Coverage Nationwide, Siebel C. (28KB PDF)
