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2011 – Present

State and Local Policies – Lessons Learned, by Frank J. Chaloupka. In Lighting a Fuse for Public Health: Tobacco Control Lessons Learned, forthcoming.

Economic Contextual Factors and Child Body Mass Index, by Powell LM and Chaloupka FJ. The University of Chicago Press, forthcoming.

Slow Progress in Changing the School Food Environment: Nationally Representative Results from Public and Private elementary Schools. Turner L and Chaloupka FJ. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2012. [Epub ahead of print]

Fast Food Consumption and Food Prices: Evidence from Panel Data on 5th and 8th Grade Children. Khan T, Powell L, and Wada R. Journal of Obesity, 2012. [Epub ahead of print]

Weight Misperceptions and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Adolescent Female Body Mass Index. Krauss R, Powell LM, and Wada R. Journal of Obesity, 2012. [Epub ahead of print]

Validation of Secondary Commercial Data Sources for Physical Activity Facilities in Urban and Non-Urban Settings. Han E, Powell LM, Slater S, and Quinn CM. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2011. [Epub ahead of print]

Fast Food Prices and Adult Body Weight Outcomes: Evidence Based on Longitudinal Quantile Regression Models. Han E and Powell LM. Contemporary Economic Policy, 2012. [Epub ahead of print]

National School Lunch Program Participation and Child Body Weight. Mirtcheva D and Powell LM. Eastern Economic Journal, 2012. [Epub ahead of print]

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Body Weight Outcomes: The Role of Economic Contextual Factors. Han E, Powell LM, and Isgor Z. Social Science and Medicine, 74(12):1874-1881, 2012.

Encouraging Trends in Student Access to Competitive Beverages in U.S. Public Elementary Schools, 2006-07 to 2010-11. Turner L and Chaloupka FJ. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 166(7):673-675, 2012.

Are Farm-to-School Programs More Common in States with Farm-to-School Related Laws? Schneider L, Chriqui JF, Nicholson L, Turner L, Gourdet C, and Chaloupka FJ. Journal of School Health, 82(5):210-216, 2012.

Classification Bias in Commercial Business Lists for Retail Food Stores in the U.S. Han E, Powell LM, Zenk S, Rimkus L, Ohri-Vachaspati P, and Chaloupka FJ. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 9(1):46, 2012.

Banning All Sugar-sweetened Beverages in Middle Schools Reduces In-school Access and Purchasing but not Overall Consumption. Taber DR, Chriqui JF, Powell LM, and Chaloupka FJ. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 166(3):256-262, 2012.

The Impact of State Safe Routes to School-related Laws on Active Travel to School Policies and Practices in U.S. Elementary Schools. Chriqui JF, Taber D, Slater SJ, Turner L, McGowan-Lowrey K, Chaloupka FJ. Health and Place, 18(1):8-15, 2012.

Student Access to Competitive Foods in Elementary Schools: Trends Over Time and Regional Differences. Turner L and Chaloupka F. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 166(2):164-169, 2012.

The Relationship Among State Laws, District Policies, and Elementary-School-Based Measurement of Children’s Body Mass Index. Sandoval A, Turner L, Chriqui JF, Nicholson L, and Chaloupka FJ. Journal of School Health, 82(5):239-245, 2012.

The Extent to Which School District Competitive Food and Beverage Policies Align with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans: Implications for Federal Regulations. Schneider LM, Schermbeck RM, Chriqui JF, and Chaloupka FJ. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112(6):892-896, 2012.

Association and Diffusion of Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies at the State and District Level. Taber DR, Chriqui JF, and Chaloupka FJ. Journal of School Health, 82(5):239-245, 2012.

Food as a Reward in the Classroom: School District Policies Are Associated with Practices of U.S. Public Elementary Schools. Turner L, Chriqui JF, and Chaloupka FJ. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 82(7):307-310, 2012.

Geographic Variations in Elementary-School-Based Physical Activity Practices. Turner L, Chaloupka FJ, and Slater SJ. Journal of School Health, 82(7):307-310, 2012.

Differences in Nutrient Intake Associated with State Laws Regarding Fat, Sugar, and Caloric Content of Competitive Foods. Taber D, Chriqui JF, and Chaloupka FJ. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 166(5):452-458, 2012.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Participation in Elementary Schools in the United States and Availability of Fruits and Vegetables in School Lunch Meals. Ohri-Vachaspati P, Turner L, and Chaloupka F. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112(6):921-926, 2012.

Lessons for Obesity Policy from the Tobacco Wars, by Frank J. Chaloupka. In The Oxford Handbook of the Social Science of Obesity. Edited by John Cawley. Oxford: Oxford University Press, September 2011.

Trends in the Nutritional Content of TV Food Advertisements Seen by Children in the U.S.: Analyses by Age, Food Categories and Companies, by Powell LM, Schermbeck RM, Szczypka G, Chaloupka FJ, and Braunschweig CL. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 165(12):1078-86, 2011.

Direct and Indirect Effects of Body Weight on Adult Wages, by Han E, Norton EC, and Powell LM. Economics and Human Biology, 9(4):381-392, 2011.

Geographic Disparities in State and District Policies Targeting Youth Obesity, by Taber DR, Chriqui JF, and Chaloupka FJ. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 41(4):407-414, 2011.

Transparency and Oversight in Local Wellness Policies, by Chriqui JF and Chaloupka FJ. Journal of School Health, 81(2):114-121, 2011.

2009 – 2010

The Association Between Community Physical Activity Settings and Youth Physical Activity, Obesity, and Body Mass Index, by Slater SJ, Ewing R, Powell LM, Chaloupka FJ, Johnston LD, and O’Malley PM. Journal of Adolescent Health, 47(5): 496-503, 2010.

Trends in Exposure to Television Food Advertisements Among Children and Adolescents, by Powell LM, Szczypka G, and Chaloupka FJ. U.S. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 164(9):794-802, 2010.

State-Level Tobacco Control Policies and Youth Smoking Cessation Measures, by Tworek C, Emery SL, Yamaguchi R, Barker DC, Kloska DD, O’Malley PM, Giovino GA, Flay B, and Chaloupka FJ. Health Policy,97(2-3): 136-144, 2010.

Translating Epidemiology into Policy to Prevent Childhood Obesity: The Case for Promoting Physical Activity in School Settings, by Brownson RC, Chriqui JF, Burgeson CR, Fisher MC, and Ness RB. Annals of Epidemiology, 20(6): 436-444, 2010.

Soda Taxes, Soft Drink Consumption, and Children’s Body Mass Index, by Sturm R, Powell LM, Chriqui JF, and Chaloupka FJ. Health Affairs, 29(5): 1052-1058, 2010.

Economic Contextual Factors, Food Consumption and Obesity among U.S. Adolescents, by Powell LM, Han E, and Chaloupka FJ. Journal of Nutrition, 140: 1175-1180, 2010.

Obesity Prevention Policies for Middle and High Schools – Are We Doing Enough? By Walker E, Chriqui J, and Johnsson Chiang R. Issues in Brief: National Association of State Boards of Education, May 2010.

An Analysis of State Legislation on Community Trails, by Eyler AA, Lankford T, Chriqui JF, Evenson KR, Kruger J, Tomkins NO, Voorhees CC, Zieff SG, Aytur S, and Brownson RC. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 7(S1):S40-47, 2010.

Fast Food Costs and Adolescent Body Mass Index: Evidence From Panel Data, by Lisa M. Powell. Journal of Health Economics, 28(5):963-970, 2009.

Food Prices and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among Young American Adults, by Powell LM, Zhao Z, and Wang Y. Health and Place, 15(4): 1064-1070, 2009.

Associations Between State-Level Soda Taxes and Adolescent Body Mass Index, by Powell LM, Chaloupka FJ, and Chriqui JF. Journal of Adolescent Health, 45(3): S57-S63, 2009.

Understanding Evidence-Based Public Health Policy, by Brownson RC, Chriqui JF, and Stamatakis KA. American Journal of Public Health, 99: 1576-1583, 2009.

Economics of Food Energy Density and Adolescent Body Weight, by Auld MC and Powell LM. Economica, 76(304):719-740, 2009.

Price, Availability and Youth Obesity: Evidence from Bridging the Gap, by Chaloupka FJ and Powell LM. Preventing Chronic Disease, 6(3), 2009.

Food Prices and Obesity: Evidence and Policy Implications for Taxes and Subsidies, by Powell LM and Chaloupka FJ. The Millbank Quarterly, 87(1): 229-257, 2009.

Food Prices, Access to Food Outlets and Child Weight, by Powell LM and Yanjun B. Economics and Human Biology, 7: 64-72, 2009.

Evidence for Connections Between Prosecutor-Reported Marijuana Case Dispositions and Community Youth Marijuana-Related Attitudes and Behaviors, by Terry-McElrath YM, McBride DC, Chriqui JF, O’Malley PM, VanderWaal C, Chaloupka FJ and Johnston LD. Crime and Delinquency, 55(4): 600-626, 2009.

The Public Health and Economic Benefits of Taxing Sugar Sweetened Beverages, by Brownell KD, Farley T, Willett WC, Popkin BM, Chaloupka FJ, Thompson JW, and Ludwig DS. New England Journal of Medicine, 361(16): 1599-1606, 2009.

Participation in the National School Lunch Program: Importance of School-Level and Neighborhood Contextual Factors, by Mirtcheva DM and Powell LM. Journal of School Health, 79(10): 485-494, 2009.

Local Wellness Policies – Two Years Later: How Are Districts Doing and What Can State Boards of Education Do to Support Their Implementation? By Chriqui JF, Schneider L and Chaloupka FJ. The State Education Standard: The Journal of the National Association of State Boards of Education, 43-47, September 2009.

Do State Policies Matter in Prosecutor-Reported Juvenile Marijuana Case Disposition? by Terry-McElrath YM, Chriqui JF, Bates H, McBride DC. Crime and Delinquency 57(6):1-25, 2009.

2007 – 2008

Will Web-Based Research Suffice When Collecting School District Policies? The Case of Physical Education and School-Based Nutrition Policies, by Chriqui JF, Tynan M, Agurs-Collins T, and Masse LC. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 5:64, 2008.

Surveillance of Tobacco Industry Retail Marketing Activities of Reduced Harm Products, by Slater S, Giovino G, and Chaloupka FJ. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 10(1): 187-193, 2008.

US Secondary Schools and Food Outlets, by Zenk S and Powell L. Health and Place, 14: 336-346, 2008.

Reforming Drug Treatment Services to Offenders: Cross-System Collaboration, Integrated Policies, and A Seamless Continuum of Care Model, by VanderWaal C, Taxman F, and Gurka M. Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 8(1): 127-153, 2008.

State Policies Matter: The Case of Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Services, by Chriqui JF, Terry-McElrath Y, McBride D, and Eidson S. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 35: 13-21, 2008.

Relationship Between Newspaper Coverage of Tobacco Issues and Smoking Attitudes and Behaviour Among American Teens, by Clegg Smith K, Wakefield M, Terry-McElrath Y, Chaloupka F, Flay B, Johnston L, Saba A, and Siebel C. Tobacco Control, 17: 17-24, 2008.

US Public Health Agency Involvement in Illicit Drug Policy, Planning, and Prevention, 1999-2003, by McBride DC, Terry-McElrath YM, VanderWaal CJ, Chriqui JF, and Myllyluoma J. American Journal of Public Health, 98(2): 270-277, 2008.

State Sales Tax Rates for Soft Drinks and Snacks Sold through Grocery Stores and Vending Machines, 2007, by Chriqui JF, Eidson SS, Bates H, Kowalczyk S and Chaloupka FJ. Journal of Public Health Policy 29: 226–249, 2008.

The Economic Impact of Clean Indoor Air Laws, by Eriksen M and Frank J. Chaloupka. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 57(6): 367-378, 2007.

Does State Licensure or Certification Impact Outpatient Treatment Program Practices? by Chriqui JF, Terry-McElrath Y, McBride D, Eidson S, and VanderWaal C. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 34(3):309-328, 2007.

Working to Make an Image: An Analysis of Three Philip Morris Corporate Image Media Campaigns, by Szczypka G, Wakefield M, Emery S, Terry-McElrath Y, Flay B, and Chaloupka FJ. Tobacco Control, 16: 344-350, 2007.

State Anti-Tobacco Advertising and Smoking Outcomes by Gender and Race/Ethnicity, by Terry-McElrath YM, Wakefield M, Emery S, Saffer H, Szczypka G, O’Malley P, Johnston LD, Chaloupka FJ, and Flay B. Ethnicity and Health, 12(4):339-362, 2007.

Public Health Initiatives for Smoking Cessation, by Tauras JA and Chaloupka FJ. Cancer, 57(6): 367-378, 2007.

Nutritional Content of TV Food Advertisements Seen by Children and Adolescents in the US, by Powell L, Szczypka G, Chaloupka FJ, and Braunschweig C. Pediatrics, 120(3): 576-83, 2007.

Exposure to Food Advertising on Television among Children, by Powell L, Szczypka G, Chaloupka FJ. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 161(6): 553-60, 2007.

Bridging the Gap: Research Informing Practice and Policy for Healthy Youth Behavior, by Chaloupka FJ and Johnston LJ. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 33(4S): S147-S161, 2007.

American Journal of Preventive Medicine supplement featuring Bridging the Gap’s obesity-related research, October 2007. Frank J. Chaloupka, Lloyd D. Johnston, Ross C. Brownson, and Antronette K. Yancey.

The Impact of Retail Cigarette Marketing Practices on Youth Smoking Uptake, by Slater S, Chaloupka FJ, Wakefield M, Johnston LJ, and O’Malley P. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 161(5): 440-5, 2007.

Access to Fast Food and Food Prices: The Relationship with Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Overweight Status among Adolescents, by Powell L, Auld MC, Chaloupka FJ, O’Malley PM, Johnston LJ. Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, 17: 23-48, 2007.

The Demand for Smokeless Tobacco among Male High School Students in the United States: The Impact of Taxes, Prices, and Policies, by Tauras J, Powell L, Chaloupka F, Ross H. Applied Economics, 39(1): 31-41, 2007.

Food Store Availability and Neighborhood Characteristics in the United States, by Powell L, Slater S, Mirtcheva D, Bao Y, Chaloupka F. Preventive Medicine, 44(3): 189-105, 2007.

2005 – 2006

The Role of Public Health Agencies in Providing Access to Adolescent Drug Treatment Services, by VanderWaal C, McBride D, Terry-McElrath Y, Bishop RM. Journal of Adolescent Health, 39(6): 916-924, 2006.

Do State Expenditures on Tobacco Control Programs Decrease Use of Tobacco Products Among College Students? by Ciecierski C, Chatterji P, Chaloupka FJ, and Wechsler H. NBER Working Paper, No. 12532, 2006.

The Good News About Smoking: How do US Newspapers Cover Tobacco Issues? by Smith K, Wakefield M, and Edsall E. Journal of Public Health Policy, 27: 166-181, 2006.

Effect of Televised, Tobacco Company-Funded Smoking Prevention Advertising on Youth Smoking-Related Beliefs, Intentions and Behaviors, by Wakefield MA, Terry-McElrath Y, Emery S, Saffer H, Chaloupka FJ, Szczypka G, Flay B, O’Malley PM, and Johnston LD. American Journal of Public Health, 96(12):2154-2160, 2006.

Newspaper Coverage of Youth and Tobacco: Implications for Public Health, by Clegg Smith K and Melanie Wakefield. Health Communication, 19(1): 19-28, 2006.

Youth Smoking Uptake Progress: Price and Public Policy Effect, by Ross H, Chaloupka F, Wakefield M. Eastern Economic Journal, 32(2): 355-367, Spring 2006.

State Drug Policy Reform Movement: The Use of Ballot Initiatives and Legislation to Promote Diversion to Drug Treatment, by VanderWaal CJ, Chriqui FJ, Bishop RM, McBride DC, Longshore DY. Journal of Drug Issues, Summer 2006.

Community and Environmental Strategies to Prevent Underage Drinking, by Chriqui J. FrontLines, Linking Alcohol Services Research and Practice, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, June 2006.

Cocaine Use in our Colleges, by Williams J, Pacula R, Chaloupka F, Wechsler H. Journal of Substance Use and Misuse, 41(4), 489-509, 2006.

The ImpacTeen Project: Assessing the Impact of Policy and Environmental Influences on Youth Tobacco Use, by Chaloupka FJ. SRNT Newsletter, 12(4): 2006.

State Cigarette Tax Increase would Cut Smoking Rate and Ease Costs, by Chaloupka FJ, Christensen KJ, Lawson AH, Wright ER. IUPUI Issue Brief, Center for Urban Policy and the Environment, 2006.

The Economics of Tobacco and Tobacco Control, by Frank J. Chaloupka. Promoting Healthy Lifestyles to Reduce the Risk of Cancer, President’s Cancer Panel, 2006.

A National Study of the Availability of Physical Activity-Related Facilities and Associated Neighborhood Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics, by Powell LM, Slater S, Chaloupka F, Harper D. American Journal of Public Health, 96 (9), 1676-1980, 2006.

Media Advocacy and Newspaper Coverage of Tobacco Issues: A Comparative Analysis of 1 year’s Print News in the United States and Australia, by Clegg Smith K, Terry-McElrath Y, Wakefield M, and Durrant R. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 7(2): 289-299, 2005.

The Effect of Anti-Smoking Advertisement Executional Characteristics on Youth Appraisal and Engagement, by Terry-McElrath YM, Wakefield M, Ruel E, Balch G, Emery S, Szczypka G, Clegg Smith K, and Flay B. Health Communications, 10: 127-143, 2005.

Televised State-Sponsored Anti-Tobacco Advertising and Youth Smoking Beliefs and Behavior in the United States, by Emery S, Wakefield MA, Terry-McElrath Y, Saffer H, Szczypka G, O’Malley PM, Johnston LD, Chaloupka FJ, and Flay B. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 159: 639-645, 2005.

Are There Differential Effects of Price and Policy on College Students’ Drinking Intensity? by Williams J, Chaloupka FJ, and Wechsler H. Contemporary Economic Policy, 23: 78-90, 2005.

The Importance of Peer Effects, Cigarette Prices, and Tobacco Control Policies for Youth Smoking Behavior, by Powell LM, Tauras J, Ross H. Journal of Health Economics, 24(5), 950-968, 2005.

Explaining Recent Trends in Smoking Prevalence, by Chaloupka FJ. Addiction, 100(10): 1294-95, 2005.

Which Drug and What Community? Differences in Juvenile Disposition Severity by Terry-McElrath Y, McBride DC, Ruel E, Harwood E, VanderWaal CJ, Chaloupka FJ. Crime and Delinquency, 51(4), 548-572, 2005.

State Tobacco Control Spending and Youth Smoking, by Tauras J, Chaloupka FJ, Farrelly M, Giovino G, Wakefield M, Johnston L, O’Malley P, Kloska D, Pechacek T. American Journal of Public Health, 95, 338-344, 2005.

New Evidence on Youth Smoking Behavior: Based on Experimental Price Increases, by Ross H, Powell L, Tauras J, Chaloupka F. Contemporary Economic Policy, 23 (2): 195-210. 2005.

Drug Control Policies, by McBride D, Terry-McElrath Y. Drugs and Society, Vol. 1, 293-297. New York: Marshal Cavendish, 2005.

Community and School Drug Prevention Programs: Differential Effects by Setting and Substance, by VanderWaal C, Powell L, Terry-McElrath Y, Flay B, Bao J. Journal of Primary Prevention, 26(4), 299-320, May 2005.

Are there Differential Effects of Price and Policy on College Students’ Drinking Intensity? by Williams J, Chaloupka F, Wechsler H. Contemporary Economic Policy, 23: 78-90, 2005.

2003 – 2004

After the Master Settlement Agreement: Trends in the American tobacco retail environment from 1999 to 2002, by Ruel E, Mani N, Sandoval A, Terry-McElrath Y, Slater S, Tworek C, and Chaloupka F. Health Promotions Practice, 5(Suppl 3), 99S-110S, 2004.

Fatal Injuries Associated with Alcohol Use Among Youth and Adults; 1990-1998, by Jones-Webb R, Fabian L, Harwood E, Toomey T, Wagenaar A. Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 14(1), 41-60, 2004.

Impact of Tobacco Control Spending and Tobacco Control Policies on Adolescents’ Attitudes and Beliefs about Cigarette Smoking, by Tauras JA, Chaloupka FJ. Evidence-Based Preventive Medicine 1(2): 111-120, 2004.

The Relationship between Community Physical Activity Settings and Race, Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status, by Powell LM, Slater S, Chaloupka FJ. Evidence-Based Preventive Medicine, 1(2): 135-144, 2004.

Parents, Public Policy, and Youth Smoking, by Powell L, Chaloupka F. Journal of Public Policy Analysis and Management 24(1): 93-112, 2004.

Study Habits and the Level of Alcohol Use Among College Students, by Powell L, Williams J, Wechsler H. Education Economics, 12(2): 135-149, 2004.

Alcohol and Marijuana Use among College Students: Economic Complements or Substitutes, by Williams J, Pacula R, Chaloupka F, Wechsler H. Health Economics, 13(9), 825-843, September 2004.

Examining the Linkage between Alcohol Policy and Services Research by Chriqui J. Frontlines: Linking Alcohol Services Research & Practice [PDF], National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, March 2004.

The Effect of Public Policies and Prices on Youth Smoking, by Ross H, Chaloupka F. Southern Economic Journal, 70(4), 796-815, 2004.

Local Implementation of Drug Policy and Access to Treatment Services, by Terry-McElrath Y, McBride D. Crime and Delinquency, 50(1), 60-87, 2004.

Does Alcohol Consumption Reduce Human Capital Accumulation? Evidence from the College Alcohol Studies, by Williams J, Powell L, Wechsler H. Applied Economics 35(10): 1227-1239, 2003.

Teen Penalties for Tobacco Possession, Use, and Purchase: Evidence and Issues, by Wakefield M, Giovino G. Tobacco Control, 12(1), i6-i14, June 2003.

Price, Policies and Youth Smoking, by Liang L, Chaloupka F, Nichter M, Clayton R. Addiction, Volume 98 (Supplement 1): 105-122, May 2003.

Contextual Factors and Youth Tobacco Use: Policy Linkages, by Chaloupka F. Addiction, Volume 98 (Supplement 1): 147-149, May 2003.

Point-of-Purchase Alcohol Marketing and Promotion by Store Type – United States, 2000-2001, by Terry-McElrath YM, Harwood EM, Wagenaar AC, Slater S, Chaloupka FJ, Brewer RD, Naimi TS. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Volume 52, Number 14, pages 307-310, April 2003. [Press Release]

The Effect of Cigarette Prices on Youth Smoking, by Ross H, Chaloupka F. Health Economics, Volume 12, Number 3, pages 217-230, March 2003.

Press Coverage of Public Expenditure of Master Settlement Funds: How Are Non-Tobacco Control Related Expenditure Represented? by Clegg Smith K, Wakefield MA, and Nichter M. Tobacco Control, 12: 257-263, 2003.

Does Alcohol Consumption Reduce Human Capital Accumulation? Evidence from the College Alcohol Studies, by Williams J, Powell LM, and Wechsler H. Applied Economics, 35(10): 1227-1239, 2003.

ImpacTeen: Contributing to Drug Policy Development, by McBride DC, Pacula R, Chaloupka FJ, VanderWaal C, Chriqui J, and Terry-McElrath Y. Connection: 4-7, June 2003.

Effects of Communities, Neighborhoods and Stores on Retail Pricing and Promotion of Beer, by Harwood EM, Erickson DJ, Fabian LE, Jones-Webb R, Slater SJ, and Chaloupka FJ. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 64(5): 720-726, 2003.

The Impact of Tobacco Control Program Expenditures on Aggregate Cigarette Sales: 1981-1998, by Farrelly MC, Pechacek TF, and Chaloupka FJ. Journal of Health Economics, 22: 843-859, 2003.

Prices, Policies and Youth Smoking, by Liang L, Chaloupka FJ, Nichter M, and Clayton R. Addiction, 98: 105-122, 2003.

Effects of Anti-Smoking Advertising on Youth Smoking: A Review, by Wakefield MA, Flay B, Nicther M, and Giovino G. Health Communication, 8: 229-247, 2003.

Appraisal of Anti-Smoking Advertising by Youth at Risk for Regular Smoking: A Comparative Study in the United States, Australia and Britain, by Wakefield MA, Durrant R, Terry-McElrath Y, Ruel E, Balch GI, Anderson S, Szczypka G, Emery S, and Flay B. Tobacco Control, 12: ii82- ii86, 2003.

Do State Policies and Community Characteristics Affect Tobacco Sales to Minors? An Analysis of Over 100,000 FDA Compliance Checks by Chaloupka FJ and Giovino G. Institute of Government and Public Affairs, Policy Forum, University of Illinois, 16(1), 2003.

Commentary on Report: The International Context of Alcohol Policy – Health May Yet Trump Trade. Comment on Chapter 14: The International Context of Alcohol Policy. Chaloupka F. Addiction, 98: 1351-1370, 2003.

Role of Media in Influencing Trajectories of Youth Smoking, by Wakefield MA, Flay B, Nichter M, and Giovino G. Addiction, 98: 79-103, 2003.

2001 – 2002

State Medical Marijuana Laws: Understanding the Laws and Their Limitations, by Pacula RL, Chriqui JF, Reichmann DA, and Terry-McElrath YM. Journal of Public Health Policy, 23(4):411-437, 2002.

Taxing Tobacco, by Frank J. Chaloupka. Smokeless States Policy Focus Newsletter, 1(1), 2002.

State Medical Marijuana Laws: Understanding the Laws and their Limitations, by Pacula R, Chriqui J, Reichmann D, Terry-McElrath Y. Journal of Health Policy and Law, Volume 23, Number 4: 411-437, 2002.

Epidemiology of Tobacco Use in the United States, by Giovino G. Oncogene Reviews, Volume 1, Number 48: 7326-7340, 2002.

The Effects of Price on Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol-Related Problems, [Text / PDF] by Chaloupka F, Grossman M, Saffer H. Alcohol Research and Health, Volume 26, Number 1: 22-34, 2002.

Policy Levers for the Control of Tobacco Consumption, by Chaloupka FJ, Hahn E, Emery S. Kentucky Law Journal, Volume 90, Number 4: 1009-1042 (Summer 2001-2002).

Mandatory Minimum Sentencing and Drug Law Violations: Effects on the Criminal Justice System, by McBride D, VanderWaal C, Pacula R, Terry-McElrath Y, and Chriqui J. Chapter 24 in Treatment of Drug Offenders: Policies and Issues (edited by CG Leukefeld, F Tims, D Farabee), New York: Springer Publishing Company, pp. 319-334.

Integrating Criminal Justice, Treatment and Community Agencies to Break the Drugs-Crime Cycle, (140KB PDF) by Terry-McElrath, McBride D, VanderWaal C, and Ruel E. Corrections Today, pp. 78-83, August 2002. Reprinted with permission of the American Correctional Association, Lanham, MD.

Tobacco Institute Lobbying at the State and Local Levels of Government in the 1990s, by Morley, Cummings, Hyland, Giovino, Horan. Tobacco Control, 11 (Suppl I): il02-il09, 2002.

Tobacco Industry Marketing at the Point of Purchase after 1998 MSA Billboard Advertising Ban, by Wakefield M, Terry-McElrath Y, Chaloupka F, Barker D, Slater S, Clark P, Giovino G. American Journal of Public Health, Volume 92, Number 6, 937-940, 2002.

Association of Point-of-Purchase Tobacco Advertising and Promotions with Choice of Usual Brand Among Teenage Smokers, by Wakefield M, Ruel E, Chaloupka F, Slater S, Kaufman N. Journal of Health Communication, Volume 7, pp. 113-121, 2002.

Point-of-Purchase Tobacco Environments and Variation by Store Type, by Terry-McElrath Y, Wakefield M, Giovino G, Hyland A, Barker D, Chaloupka F, Slater S, Clark P, Schooley M, Pederson L, Pechacek T. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Volume 51, Number 9, pages 184-187, 2002.

Differential Effect of Cigarette Price on Youth Smoking Intensity, by Liang L, Chaloupka F. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Volume 4, Number 1, pages 109-114, 2002.

Secondhand Effects of Student Alcohol Use Reported by Neighbors of Colleges: The Role of Alcohol Outlets, by Wechsler, Lee, Hall, Wagenaar. Social Science and Medicine, Volume 55, Number 3, pages 57-67, 2002.

State Laws Mandating or Promoting Training Programs for Alcohol Servers and Establishment Managers: An Assessment of Statutory and Administrative Procedures, by Mosher, Toomey, Good, Harwood, Wagenaar. Journal of Public Health Policy, Volume 23, Number 1, pages 90-113, 2002.

Effects of Minimum Drinking Age Laws: Review and Analyses of the Literature, by Wagenaar A, Toomey T. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, Supplement 14, pages 206-225, 2002.

State Variation in Retail Promotions and Advertising for Marlboro Cigarettes, by Slater S, Chaloupka F, Wakefield M. Tobacco Control, Volume 10, Number 4, pages 337-339, 2001.

Effects of Price and Access Laws on Teenage Smoking Initiation: A National Longitudinal Analysis, by Tauras JA, O’Malley PM, and Johnston LD. NBER Working Paper, No. 8831, 2001.

The Impact of Tobacco Control Program Expenditures on Aggregate Cigarette Sales: 1981-1998, by Farrelly MC, Pechacek TF and Chaloupka FJ. NBER Working Paper, No. 8691, 2001.

The Impact of Price on Youth Tobacco Use, by Chaloupka and Pacula in Smoking and Tobacco Control Monographs, Monograph 14: Changing Adolescent Smoking Prevalence, NCI Cancer Control and Population Sciences, pages 193-199, 2001.

The Effects of Macro-Level Interventions on Addictive Behavior, by Pacula R, Chaloupka F. Substance Use and Misuse, Volume 36, Number 13, pages 1901-1922, 2001.

Liability of Commercial and Social Hosts for Alcohol-Related Injuries: A National Survey of Accountability Norms and Judgments, by Wagenaar AC, Denks CE, Hannan PJ, Chen H, Harwood EM. Public Opinion Quarterly, Volume 65: 344-368, 2001.

Commentary on “Several Factors are Associated with Higher Rates of Illegal Tobacco Sales to Youths,”(PDF – 61K) by Chaloupka FJ, Gray B. Evidence-Based Healthcare, Volume 5, Number 2: 29, 2001.

Breaking the Juvenile Drug-Crime Cycle: A Guide for Practitioners and Policymakers, [text / PDF] by VanderWaal C, McBride D, Terry-McElrath Y, VanBuren H. National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, May 2001.

The Name of Philip Morris to Sit on 28 Million School Desks, by Clegg Smith K, Wakefield M. Tobacco Control, Volume 10, Number 8, Spring 2001.

Lowered Legal Blood Alcohol Limits for Young Drivers; Effects on Drinking, Driving, and Driving-After-Drinking Behaviors in 30 States, by Wagenaar A, O’Malley P, LaFond C. American Journal of Public Health, Volume 91, Number 5, pages 801-804, 2001.

The Impact of Prices and Control Policies on Cigarette Smoking Among College Students, by Czart C, Pacula R, Chaloupka F, Wechsler H. Contemporary Economic Policy, Volume 19, Number 2, pages 135-149, 2001.

Marijuana and Youth, by Pacula RL, Grossman M, Chaloupka FJ, O’Malley PM, Johnston LD, Farrelly MC. Risky Behavior Among Youth (edited by J Gruber), pp. 271-326, 2001.

1998 – 2000

Marijuana and Youth, by Pacula RL, Grossman M, Chaloupka FJ, O’Malley PM, Johnston LD, and Farrelly MC. NBER Working Paper, No. 7703, 2000.

Alcohol Policy: Gap between Legislative Action and Current Research, by Wagenaar A, Toomey T. Contemporary Drug Problems, Volume 27, 681-733, Winter 2000.

Surveillance of Patterns and Consequences of Tobacco Use: USA, by Giovino G. Tobacco Control, Volume 9, pages 232-233, 2000.

Do Restrictions on Smoking at Home at School, and in Public Places Influence Teenage Smoking? by Wakefield M, Chaloupka F, Kaufman N, Orleans T, Barker D, Ruel E. British Medical Journal, Volume 321, pages 333-337, 2000.

Expert Opinions on the Optimal Enforcement of Minimum Purchase Age Laws, by Levy D, Chaloupka F, Slater S. Public Health Management and Practice, Volume 6, Number 3, pages 107-114, 2000.

Effectiveness of Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs in Reducing Teenage Smoking in the United States, by Wakefield M, Chaloupka F. Tobacco Control, Volume 9, Number 2, pages 177-186, 2000.

Economics and Anti-Health Behavior: The Economic Analysis of Substance Use and Abuse, by Chaloupka F, Pacula R. Reframing Health Behavior Change with Behavioral Economics, pages 89-111, 2000.

Policy Evaluation Research: Measuring the Independent Variables, by LaFond, Toomey, Rothstein, Manning, Wagenaar. Evaluation Review, Volume 24, pages 92-101, 2000.

USA: Price Cuts and Point-of-Sale Ads Rise Following Tax Rise, by Wakefield M, Slater S, Chaloupka F. Tobacco Control, Volume 8, Number 3, July 1999.

Sex and Race Differences in Young People’s Responsiveness to Price and Tobacco Control Policies, by Chaloupka F, Pacula R. Tobacco Control, Volume 8, Number 4, pages 373-377, 1999.

Improving the Measurement and Use of Tobacco Control Inputs, by Wakefield M, Chaloupka F. Tobacco Control, Volume 7, Number 4, pages 333-335, 1998.
